Interview and riding shots around Delhi. We took all day to film this,
in 41 degree heat! But it turned out excellently, was viewed by millions,
and I nearly fell in love with the interviewer!
by Asem Mustafa Awan National Daily Newspaper 'The Nation'
Sports Page
March 14 2000 Tuesday Dubai TV, United Arab Emirates
Family type programme.
Interviewed with bike in the Hard Rock Café, Dubai. All aspects
of the Ride covered. Riding shots also including off-road (this time I didn't
nearly fall off as in the BBC piece in December 99!)
March 12 + 13th 2000 104.8 Channel 4 Radio, Dubai
Announcments for fundraising evening at Hard Rock Cafe.
March 11 2000 Saturday Dubai FM Radio
Live Breakfast Show interview with Marki Mark.
Milward stops over in Dubai; intends to raise money for charities during
his epic journey
by Anupa Prathap Mathew Gulf Newspaper
National Newspaper, United Arab Emirates
by Staff Reporter Khaleej Times
National Newspaper, United Arab Emirates
February 25 2000 Riyadh Broadcasting
3 Radio Interviews:
Women's Hour & Simon's views on how Saudi women are treated, his motivation
for the Ride
General News - generally about the Ride and the charities
Free Time - about bikers rights in Europe and (lack of need for it
in) Saudi Arabia
October 1999, December 1999, January 2000, ... Superbike 2000
TV show
monthly motorcycle news, tests, shows
France, Belgium and Switzerland monthly.
Italy included from September 1999.
Total viewers then 2 million. Millennium Ride info: October 1999, December 1999, January 2000. Possible en route updates.
August 18 1999 Westcountry TV, UK
Morning News 'Tonight we show an update on our local rouond the world biker'
Early Evening News 'Biker turns to army for survival training', 2 minutes.
Showed Simon with Major Tony Manley of the Rifle Volunteers lighting fires
and talking about survival.
Late Evening News, ditto
De wereldreis van Simon is niet alleen een 'fun trip' van meer dan een
jaar; gedurende de reis zal Simon overal aandacht vragen voor wereldwijde
motorrijdersbelangen. MAG Nederland
- Laatste Nieuws - 13 mei 1999
Simon Milward planlegger jorda-rundt tur på MC - Under beskyttelse
av Milward-klanens våpenskjold skal FEMA-general Simon Milward innom
78 land i løpet av snaue to år.
Av Pål Andreassen MC-Bladet